8 Week Seminars:





We offer fully customizable seminars in Healthy Thinking skills. They are designed to allow your workforce to learn skills and apply them so that they become new and disciplined ways of working. These programs offer the best long term outcomes for your organization.


Seminars may be done on-site or in a webinar format. We work with organizations that have employees in multiple locations.

Seminars       Executive Coaching       Consultation       Keynotes       Workshops       Retreats       Books

Are you looking for increased focus, better awareness, and the ability to maintain cognitive and emotional control in your demanding workplace? Mindfulness consists of skills that improve the ability to reduce distraction, increase attention to the present moment, and make more effective decisions. While this skill is often misunderstood as a relaxation technique, it is actually a critical element for high performance in demanding environments.


Participants learn to notice the barriers that keep them from success, stay in the present moment, and become less reactive to negative events. This skill has been applied in both business and athletics as a means of achieving excellence.


     Mindfulness seminars consist of eight 2 hour classes, based on the Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction program designed by Jon

     Kabat-Zinn, Ph.D.  Research in neuroscience demonstrates the effectiveness of this model.


Have you heard about the benefits of positivity in the workplace? Those who are optimistic are more innovative and more engaged. They are able to achieve better outcomes because they are able to leverage the skills that work in the real world circumstances. This is not simply positive thinking but development of the ability to find what works, why it works, and to apply those winning strategies in their day-to-day work life.


Participants learn how to think about their successes and failures in a more productive way. Behavior that leads to success is repeatable. Failures are opportunities to learn and work both harder and smarter.


    Optimism seminars consist of eight 1 hour classes, based on programs developed by Martin Seligman, Ph.D., Barbara Fredrickson, Ph.D.,
     and the growing Positive Psychology movement.

What are your plans to help your workforce deal with the real stresses that are a necessary part of a competitive business climate? A resilient workforce understands the vision of the organization, has the skills to persist even when the tasks are challenging, and takes advantage of the synergies of team work. Standard advice is to reduce stress or to take frequent breaks, but our seminars will give your workforce skills to thrive in stressful environments.


Participants will learn how to focus on what is in their control and to put effort on the work that is most important. The development of the habit of persistence that is highly correlated with success will be taught.


    Resilience seminars consist of eight 1 hour classes, based on the Stress Hardiness approach developed by Salvadore Maddi, Ph.D., and
     Suzanne Khobasa, Ph.D., and the resilience program for the U.S. Army.

All seminar are individually designed to meet the needs of your workforce.

Training in Healthy Thinking for your workforce is more than

training in good health, it is training for good business!